12Jun2005 - 19Jun2005
Going out

Narita Airport
First time to be at Narita International Airport. First time to go abroad. It cost half a day to fly to Boston via New York...
At Boston

Harverd Bridge
It took 30 minutes to go from my hotel (HI Boston) to meeting place on foot. The other side of the bridge is Backbay and the near side is large MIT campus. I saw many runners here.

Pathway along the Charles River
I found some ducks. There are boat practice area for university students near here.
Hyatt Regency Cambridge (meeting place)

In front of the hotel

Meeting room
Glittering room! Too much to cool when it is a little hot, and too much to warm when it is a little cold...is it very American style? To discuss with a cup of coffee or tea during break time is new to me.

Poster room
Place for posters was not a room but a temporal tent...strong wind blew away posters! The place for posters is far larger than that of the conference held by the Meteorological Society of Japan.

My poster
My poster was located near the entrance of the poster place, where wind blew the strongest of any other poster places. I'm pleased that many researchers listened to my talk.

Boston Harbor
I joined in the crusing tour by the Meteorological Society. I could see a lot of airplanes just landing to the Logan International Airport near the harbor. Unfortunately, I could not enjoy scenary enough because I had to keep standing for 1 hour to waite for my dinner. The cruising tour ended just when I finished eating dinner...

Subway, but above ground. You have to pay $1.25 to a driver above the ground. When under the ground, you have to buy token at the station. Sometimes it becomes charge-free. When I could not buy tokens at the station because there were no staff, garbage man at the station talked to me "Come on!" and I went through the ticket gate without paying. Is it OK?
There are timetable on which only the schedule of first and last trains are written. One day, 15 seconds after one train left, another train bound for the same destination came. I'm surprised. You have to ring a buzzer before you get off the train. It's like a bus.

Train (it looks so old!) came here, making very loud noise. I found that the train is supplied with electricity by rails.

Co-op at MIT
I like curry and rice, but there were not. I ate yellow rice with chicken. I found the poster solicting to join a jujutsu (classic judo) club.

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
I don't know much about fine arts, but I was very impressed at the various kind of collections. I wanted to be there more.
- http://www.mfa.org/

Boston Tea Party Site Ship
I like world history so I wanted to watch inside. But...closed. The notice in front of the ship taught me that there had been a fire.

Boston Tea Party Site Ship (2)

HI (Hostelling International) Boston
I stayed there.
- http://www.bostonhostel.org/

Probably near Toronto city. View below is a bleak field.

Above Alaska
Individual display. You can get information on the flight. (e.g., position, route,)

Above Alaska(2)
Halfway home!

less than 5 hours to home
Not a short distance to Japan

Above Kurile Islands
Not a long distance to Japan